

As I type, I am sitting in the Elysian Room, just off of Burrard in Vancouver. I've been in the city for roughly 25 hours, and I've already dove off into the deep end of coffee/espresso.

A couple of days before I took off for the big city, I received an email from Brad Ford, proprietor of the Wicked Cafe, replying to my job wanted post on coffeegeek.com. A mention was made to a cupping at the Elysian Room on Sunday morning, inviting me. Having never cupped before, I became fairly nervous, yet excited to immerse myself in the Vancouver scene, this time behind the scenes.

Last time I was in Vancouver, it involved a “coffee tour” in which I managed to get to three major shops in Vancouver: Elysian, Artigiano and JJ Bean. I was most impressed with all of them.

This time, I had to get on the bus from the university down Broadway to meet Brad at his shop at quarter to ten in the morning. He gave me the unfortunate news that Alistair (of the Elysian) was unable to do the cupping. A setback, but no worries. It was too bad that Brad had to get out of bed! I apologized, but then he said we could cup at his place. We did. He brought out five half pounds of Intelligentsia: La Perla (Mexico), Rwanda Musasa, Harrar, Yergacheffe and and El Salvadorian whose name I cannot remember (Los something). Brad kindly went through the steps of cupping, all of which I had a vague idea, but it was good to finally get the real story from a pro. This was done simultaneously with a tour of Wicked and apologizing to customers who walked in to the (closed) shop. He made drinks for those who needed them, and twice he even let me go on the bar! I made a couple of lattes, both 16 oz, and both had art! I was surprised I managed to pull off some pretty good looking drinks on the Marzocco FB70, despite my experience on just the Rancilio. Kindly, Brad let me off with a pound of coffee left open from our cupping. A ½ pound of Musasa and the ½ of La Perla.

Anyways, the day is still unfolding. I have a cell phone now. Those who would like the number can email me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you!!!! Are you all moved in??? I heard about the nudist beach nearby your residence hahaha i bet someone will be visiting quite a lot lol... always good to hear the ubc news from you and alex.. i heard from john yesterday too, now i only have to talk to scottie :D
keep posting

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice one Peter. I'm sure you've had quite a few nice shots since you got back.

I unleashed my tamper on a 1/2 pound of 49th Parallel Roasters Special Reserve Espresso over a period of two days; actually a day before you left - I almost contacted you to help me get medieval on it. A very thoughtful customer brought it back, I thought it was great espresso. Not as complex as Black Cat, really good as an Americano for my tastes.

Anyway, keep up the Vancouver scene reporting. Be the ball Billy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gimme the number man!


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